Sunday, March 3, 2019

           In her article, Kara Dixon Vuic discusses the recent ruling by a Houston judge that the exclusion of women from the selective service system is unconstitutional due to sex discrimination. Vuic’s intended audience is the people who are politically savvy and well informed as well as more progressive in their ideals. She appeals to her audience through the values of men and women should be on even playing fields, whether that be in the workplace or serving the country on the battlefield. Vuic has the credentials as an associate professor at Texas Christian University.
            Throughout the article Vuic, alludes to the discrepancy when it comes to those able to serve in the armed forces of the country. Men and women are not able to serve in the same capacities as each other, as women are steered towards less combative roles (Does not mean there aren’t women in combat roles) while the men are not steered one way or another. Vuic expresses her curiosity on the matter and wonders if this will hold up or if the ruling will be overturned. She is curious as to what excuses the government will make for keeping women out of combative roles and in essence not putting them in harm's way at the rate, they put their male counterparts. She includes the various excuses previously used by the government such as “they can get pregnant” and “the public would never get over their deaths”.

            Furthermore, I concur with Vuic on the belief that women should be able to and held to the same standard as men. While I do not think they are given a “get out of jail free card” I do believe we as a nation need to have a deeper discussion on the sexist and demeaning values we have as a nation in terms of how we treat women and minorities. Through this article we can see the first step towards the ultimate goal of equality for all, however, this is just the first step in what is going to be a long journey.

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