Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Texas state Senate is hearing a bill that would allow professional licensed workers to discriminate under the notion of “freedom of speech”. The author intends to draw out those who are for the rights of people and against any form of discrimination. While I am against any kind of bill that would make it easier to discriminate, I don’t have confidence in the Texas Senate and least of all the conservative majority that currently runs Texas. The author talks about supporters of the bill and their inability to fully rid the bill of any grey areas instead they were unable to fully constitute what “life-saving” means and how to decipher between what exactly is and isn’t life-saving care. The supporters inability to answer these questions goes to show the amount of research on the actual bill and the logistical parts they put together, instead they are so focused on preserving “Christian values”, because we all know they could care less about any other religion, and further push the boundary of separation of state and church.  

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