Sunday, April 21, 2019

A Progressive shift

     Latinos are expected to surpass the white population in Texas by the year 2020. This shift in demographics could be a gift for Democrats, and the progressive movements as Texas, one of the key Republican conservative states, could finally be in obtainable for the democrats reminiscent of the days when Ann Richards was governor of Texas. This is due to the fact Latinos are far more likely to vote for Democrats rather than their Republican counterparts and the fact voter turnout for Latinos was up throughout the state and has been on a steady incline from years past meaning Latinos are becoming more involved in the political process and becoming more informed as a whole.
     This could be a turning point in Texas politics with the Republican party in power for nearly 2 decades. We are witnessing the social and political shift from the conservative viewpoints to a more progressive liberal viewpoint amongst the Texas population.

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